About Us

The Loxton Hotel a great place to WINE, DINE, STAY & PLAY!

Established in 1908 the historic Loxton Hotel is proudly owned by the community of Loxton. Five of the six directors of the hotel must be residents of Loxton, elected and/or re-elected by the Loxton community at the hotel’s Annual General Meeting each year.

Current Loxton Hotel Directors:
Shane Semmler (Chairman), Matthew Hutchinson (Deputy Chairman), Murray Najar, Mark Fielke, Keith Gray, Sue Schulz.

Executives: Darren Morrison (General Manager), Mal Hahn (Operations Manager), Tracy Schulz (Assistant Manager), Cathy Maczkowiack (Administration Manager), Renae Del Zoppo (Functions Manager), Nattapol Mangelsdorf (Head Chef).

Since its establishment the Loxton Hotel has mirrored the evolution of the town of Loxton through local citizens who are committed to the betterment of their town, and to the care and prosperity of their community.

Profits from hotel operations are channelled back into the community to support local charities, groups, bodies and associations.

So every time you stay in our accommodation, eat great food from our 1908 Cafe and Bistro menus, have a drink in our bars or buy your drinks from the bottle shop, you’ll not only enjoy one of the great country pubs of South Australia, but you’ll be helping the community of Loxton.




Contact Us

TOLL FREE 1800 656 686

45 East Terrace, Loxton SA 5333

Phone: 08 8584 7266

Email: loxtonhotel@loxtonhotel.com.au

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